
Being the narcissistic person that I am, I’m sure my hundreds and hundreds of followers (or maybe just one or two) have been dying to hear what’s been happening with TG and the New Guy (who I desperately need to find a name for). I think I’ve been waiting to write till I could make some kind of formal announcement about the end with one of them, but that isn’t happening.

Regarding TG, I took the chicken way out and sent him an email saying I was very confused and didn’t know what I want seeing that I don’t see a future with him, but that I am enjoying myself a lot in his company. For the first time since I met him, he actually was the mature one and ended up driving to my place to say goodbye. He said that was all he got from my email, seeing that among the many options I’d written down, continuing as we were was not one of them. Now, the smart thing then would have been to say he was right and just let him go. But who ever said I was smart?

I didn’t exactly say anything. But apparently I looked so sad, that he didn’t want to just leave. We talked. A lot. He wanted to know where all this was coming from. And I was very close to telling him that it’s because I’ve met someone who I can actually see myself with. But everyone I’ve asked warned me against doing that, so in the end it was hard for me to find any clear reasons. I won’t write down all the details of the conversation, but just say that the status right now is we’re still seeing each other. He knows that I don’t see this as something with a future. And he said some things that made me feel like it won’t be the end of the world for him if and when it really does end. So I guess that’s sort of a happy ending.

Regarding New Guy, I did actually see him twice last weekend and then again yesterday. He works in a different country and only flies in for the weekends, so there isn’t a lot of time to work around. I’m a bit confused about him though. We’ve been in touch every single day since we met two weeks ago. And he always ends the day by saying “talk to you tomorrow”. The three times we’ve met we’ve just sat around and talked for three hours and it has been really nice. A couple of our text conversations have been a bit flirty, but nothing I wouldn’t show my mother. Last night he came over to my place and we just talked, but there was no physical contact. Even when he left it was the traditional kiss on the cheek. Not once did he try anything.

So maybe he’s just the biggest gentleman alive out there. I definitely know he’s very shy. Or maybe he just isn’t interested in me. But then why the daily contact? And spending so much of his limited free time with me? He’s made a few indirect comments that let me know he finds me (or women who fit my description) attractive. I’m not used to making the first move. This whole dating thing is more than enough for me, so just the thought of having to take the first step towards a kiss is just too much to handle right now. Would it ever be OK for me to ask him? And if so, how much longer do I wait?

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3 Responses to Update(s)

  1. Surrey gal says:

    “But who ever said I was smart” – that made me laugh 🙂 Not because you are not smart, but because of the context of the whole situation 😀

  2. Yay foy your new guy understanding. I would say just have fun with the situation. I’m pretty sure if a guy doesn’t want to be with you he wont. So there is obviously something there. & the only guys I know that go looking for female friends that are just friends…. are the homosexual ones. So lady he is so interested in you. (:

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